Setup Menus in Admin Panel

User’s terms

  • The user  is  fully responsible for the use of Arra’id platform and all the material posted  under  his/her name. This  Includes  questions, comments, videos and files (user’s participation).

    By using  Arra’id platform,  the  user  abides  by  agreements and all the local, regional and international laws, rules and regulations, including copyright laws.

    The user can undergo  an assessment for each unit in order to test the extent of  his understanding of  its content;

    After  passing  the units of annual program successfully, the user gets a pass  whose  sole role is to signify that he/ she is properly following  the program units and  qualified to  access its remaining parts,  in case it is made of parts;


    Interaction and assessment undergoing are done through the original language in which the program is presented,  then comes translations for non-Arabic speakers;

    Assessment  is conducted  through  a method of multiple-choice :

    • Multiple-choice
    • Answering with “yes” or “no”
    • Answering through reordering of choices
    • Answering through
    • Answering through evaluation scale


    In case the user does not manage to pass  the  unit assessment, he/she can  have only one  make-up opportunity through reactivating subscription in the web site;